Get Involved In Our Events.
There is loads to watch when you spend a day at Burghley Game and Country Fair.

ATEO Air Rifle Shooting
Shooting static targets with state of the art rifles – what’s not to like? Our expert coaches are there to make sure you succeed (one to one), and if you really get the hang of this you can enter our Living Heritage ATEO Challenge

The Bow Bees Archery
We are a husband-and-wife team, working to provide a professional service to the many people who visit the Living Heritage Country Fairs.Our aim to offer a unique opportunity to try archery, in a safe and secure environment by providing tuition, support and the correct equipment to enjoy a “have a go session”. Our biggest aim is to provide customer satisfaction, offer advice and knowledge, but above all make sure our customers have a good time and leave with a smile on their face.

Visit the Salmon and trout stand inside the fishing marquee alongside the Angling Trust. The stand is full of helpful information and fly fishing, fishing techiques and conservation.
Fly casting demonstrations will run throughout the day.

Our expert fishermen will teach you the ancient art of fly-tying – and you may even be good enough to enter our annual competition.

Gun Dog Scurries
Also for your gun dog we have the Sandringham Lintran Junior Challenge. Can you get your dog to retrieve a dummy either seen, blind or over some bales? Lots of help and no pressure: you’re there to have fun… but your dog might just surprise you.

Dog Handling
Bring your gun dog along to our gun dog clinic and our experienced handler Phil Parkin will give you some top tips in handling him and even getting him to do some basic gun dog work.

In the Dog Show
We have three different dog shows with child handling classes: if you have a lurcher there is the lurcher show, a terrier show for the terriers and the Fun Dog Show for all other breeds. In fact children are welcome to enter any class in any dog show, as long as they have control of the dog. Don’t forget your fancy dress costume for the Fun Dog Show!

Cute and Cuddly
Come and meet some of our small cute and furry creatures in the ferret or hamster tents. The ferrets will be racing every hour on the hour, so come and cheer on your favourites. The hamsters are there to look cute and enjoy the attention!
*parental warning: they do sell hamsters and cages! (But seriously if you are thinking of buying one anyway these are in the best possible condition)

Clay Shooting
Experienced clay shooting coaches will teach you how to take the shot and you will be amazed what you can do after just ten minutes.