The World of Dogs is a dedicated area for every dog lover. With arena displays, fun dog shows, multi scurry and chase the bunny there is plenty for your dog to take part in and enjoy!

RTB Gundog Events
Working Test

Have A Go Fun Simulated Working Test

RTB Gundog Events

Any breed of dogs are welcome to participate in the have-a-go fun simulated picking up event which is hosted by RTB Gundog Events. Beginners, novices and experienced owners are all welcome to

Have a Go

A selection of dummy retrievers will be on offer including a water retrieve.

Test your skills of handling your dog and enjoy having a go.

A friendly team of dog training personnel, the RTB Gundog Event Team Rick Barrow and Fiona Lewis will be on hand to help if needed. They will be hosting a simulated picking up event for anyone interested in having a go with their dog to enjoy a great family day out!

    Gundog Multi-scurry

    Gundog Multi-Scurry

    Another have-go-opportunity for the family dog.  This section of the show will be run by jixenwell gundogs with a selection of multi scurries.

    The Gundog Scurry at the Living Heritage Game and Country Fairs will be an opportunity for each and every person to come along with their dog and have a go! Each day of the event James and Davina will be running a number of events for you to come along and enter on the day. For those people wishing to have a bit of a challenge, the events will be timed and split into 3 categories of Junior Handler, Novice and Open. Prizes will be available for the top 3 times, but also there will be bonus prizes available for those people who are brand new to the Gundog World.

    Maplecrest Gundogs

    Gun Dog Clinic

    Charlotte Brown of Maplecrest Gundogs works her dogs on various shoots in North Yorkshire and offers one to one tuition to suit individual needs; whether that be to compete with your dogs, train them for the shooting field, or just to enjoy seeing a pet gundog fulfilling their potential.

    Maplecrest also offer residential training to give dogs a head start in their training, or just to polish up their training while you are on holiday!

    At the Gundog Clinics at the Living Heritage Fairs, Charlotte will be happy to offer advice as to how to start the training process with your pet gundog, or advice on any specific issues you are having with your training.

    Aubrey Ladyman 2024 Champion

    2024 Kennel Club Spaniel Championship Winner

    Aubury Ladyman winner of the 2024 Kennel Club Spaniel Championship will be in the arena working alongside Paul Makepeace with their gundog demonstration.

    Aubury won the championship with his spaniel FTCh Rosebay Meadow – known at home as Bella – was awarded first place in the competition, which saw 55 talented English Spinger Spaniels tested on their natural working ability.

    Come along and watch this champion at work with his dogs, not just an expert but a winning champion.

    Fun Dog Show

    Waggy Tails – Fun Dog Show

    Twenty classes for dogs of any breed, size or age. From junior handlers through to prettiest bitch, waggiest tail and the infamous fancy dress class, there is something for every dog.

    Bookings taken all day and judging starts at 1.30pm. Our aim is to put the FUN back into dog shows. We do not take ourselves seriously at all, so don’t worry if your dog doesn’t either!

    Please note fancy dress for you and your dog optional – Good Luck


    Dog Agility

    Dog Agility – Greyhound Gap

    Bring your pet dog and have a go of the Dog Agility. Open to all dogs of different sizes, ages and ability. 

    Organised by Greyhound Gap a charity for rehoming dogs.




    Siberian Husky Welfare Association

    The Siberian Husky Welfare Association was founded in 2007 to rescue and rehome unwanted huskies throughout the UK.  We also offer advice, support and counselling for husky owners who are having difficulties with their dogs, so that they can be helped to keep their dogs rather than giving them up for adoption.

    For more information please visit




    Lure Crazy will be attending all of our Game and Country Fairs and will be holding both Lurcher Racing and Lurcher Showing at each event. Look out for the Greyhound Racing at selected shows.

    Please note we only hold events for Whippets on the first day of every show

    For more information please click here.

    Chase the Bunny

    If your dog loves to chase this could be their moment!  Dogs are matched to general size and speed and race to chase the lure around the arena.  Great fun to both take part in and to watch – especially when the dogs run in completely the opposite direction, or find a more interesting smell. 

    Individual Minor Breeds

    We have a variety of minor breeds, from Manchester terriers through Australian terriers, Otterhounds and Lancashire Heelers to name but a few. Come and meet some of these lesser known breeds; make a new friend and ask their expert and enthusiastic handlers any questions you might have.

    Doggy Shopping

    Your dog will want you to do some shopping around the World Of Dogs Arena where we have every possible treat for the well deserving pampered pooch, as well as a few for their owners!


    Minor Breeds Marquee.

    Come along and see the various minors breeds in our World of Dogs section of the show. This includes dogs that are professionally breed with some rare and unusual types from long haired, short, curly haired, small dogs, big dogs and all different types fo dogs.

    Some of which often exhibit at Cruft’s and other recognised dog breed events.

    It’s a great chance to visit them and learn about the different breeds, met the owners and get advice.

    Please note breeds may vary from show to show

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