Chainsaw Carving Auctions
There are two types of auction at these competitions
- The Classic main sculpture is held in the afternoon on the final day of the competition, generally after the final speed carving auction and Award Ceremony approximately 2pm.
- Speed Carving Auction
Sandringham Cup April 11th – 13th
Saturday 11am & 2.30pm Speed Carve.
Auction to follow.
Sunday 11am & 2.30pm Speed Carve.
Auction to follow.
Monday 12 noon Speed Carve.
Auction to follow at 12.30pm followed by the Winners Ceremony and the Classic Sculpture Auction at 2pm.
Carved Angel by Filip Lysek of Czech Republic
16th English Open June 6th & 7th
Saturday 11am & 2.30pm Speed Carve.
Auction to follow.
Sunday 12 noon Speed Carve.
Auction to follow at 12.30pm followed by the Winners Ceremony and the Classic Sculpture Auction at 2pm.
The Team Carve Auctions August 30th & 31st
Using a similar format to the Speed Carves above, they are one hour long and produce a larger more detailed sculpture.
Saturday. Team Carving 11am – 12 noon, 1pm – 2pm & 3pm – 4pm.
Auctions to follow at 12 noon, 2pm and 4pm respectively.
Sunday. Team Carving 11am – 12 noon & 1pm – 2pm.
Auction from 2pm followed by the Winners Ceremony and the Classic Sculpture Auction at 3.30pm.
There’s a fantastic opportunity to purchase a carving at one of the auctions with a price to suit most pockets. See it grow into a stunning piece of art over the carving period. Speed carvings are particularly popular in this respect; a finished carving in thirty minutes.
The sculptures make stunning garden centrepieces, or as with 2016’s classic winning elephant sculpture, a finishing touch to an entrance hallway.
Chainsaw Carving Tales of a River by Tommy Craggs
Auctioneer: Mr Gordon Wright and Mr Gordon Tyler
Delivery by arrangement